SCREENPRINTING WEEKEND: Sat./Sun. 29th./30th. March. 2025. 11am. - 5pm. £170.00
Screenprinting Weekend Course.
Sat./Sun. 29th./30th. March. 2025.
11am. - 5 pm.
Course fee: £170.00
Tutor: Jane Sampson
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a gift voucher and you want to use it to pay for the course it is essential that you contact the studio to confirm your place.
email: [email protected]
or call 01273 691496.
Suitable for beginners and those who want a refresher in this incredibly versatile medium. The weekend courses allow you to explore the process of screen printing in more depth than on a one day taster. You will find the course suitable for experimental work and small personal projects and as an introduction to the workshop with a view to using it on open access.
Numbers are kept very small so that you can have as much individual attention as possible. Each participant has access to a professional vacuum bed throughout and can work with guidance using their own imagery.
The course will cover:
Preparation of screens for photo-stencils
Choosing the correct mesh counts
Preparation of successful positives by hand and digitally
Exposing and washing out stencils
Mixing and using water-based inks
Correct set up and printing technique
Registration and colour layering
Recycling and cleaning of screens.
Participants are advised to bring their own source material for example: drawings, collage, computer generated imagery (on a memory stick) or photographs. If you use one, you may want to bring your own laptop, this saves a lot of time, although there is a 24" imac for use in the studio.
If you are not the computer type dont worry, this is a process that can be done using hand made and hand drawn positives. In fact most prints produced at the studio are made using a combination of techniques.
You will be able to to produce a multi layered multi coloured print or a series of experimental prints during the weekend and still have time to relax and enjoy the process.
All screen preparation and basic materials (inks , emulsions tapes etc.) are included in the course fee. However this does not include paper which needs to be minimum 220 gsm. in weight. We keep a tally of what you have used and settle up at the end of the course. As an example our quality 220gsm A2 cartridge paper is 35p per sheet
Just a quick email to thank you for a fabulous weekend of screen printing! I really enjoyed myself and was totally blown away by what I managed to achieve. Seeing your, and everyone else's, work was really interesting.
I took one of my prints into work yesterday, and everyone was really impressed too.
Hope to see you again in the not too distant future so that I can have another go and try out some other colours and ideas/techniques.
Thanks again!